META-Medicine® An in-depth look at the model:
The findings and principles that solidly base the nature of disease on universal biological principles and on the interaction between the three levels that make up the organism:
The psyche, the brain and the organ.
What has been researched and discovered is that diseases have a biological meaning and are not mistakes of nature. In fact, we can now categorize most of the diseases known to medicine in pairs of events. These pairs are actually programs of nature relating psychological and biological events.
The programs are designed by Nature to either help the individual to cope or as a selection mechanism to serve the group.
After a brief training in Meta-Medicine you should be able to come to the conclusion that a physical event can create a biological conflict shock that manifests in a visible physical
transformation in the brain, and leads to a measurable change in physical-nervous parameters and to the development of cancerous growths, ulcerations, necroses and functional disturbances in specific organs of the body.
Not only can you cross reference the events in people lives to the body and disease, but there are also ways of scientifically proving the existence of the relationships between psyche brain and organ. A biological conflict-shock causes the appearance of a focus of activity in the brain called an HH (Hamerschenherd).
This set of concentric rings that can be seen in a computerized tomography scan (CT) is centered on a precise point of the brain. The location of the focus depends on the nature of the shock-conflict or conflict contents. As soon as the HH appears, the organ controlled by that specific brain center registers a functional transformation. This transformation can manifest as a growth, as tissue loss or as a loss of function.
Research further discovered that the program that is initiated after a conflict-shock is dependent on the layer of the brain that is affected, something to be understood and explained from the point of view of evolution. The system makes sense both from a phylogenetic and an ontogenetic point of view.
For man and mammal, the oldest conflicts originate from the brain stem and result in cancerous growths – tumours.
The resolution of these conflicts leads to a breakdown of the tumour and restoration of health. The old brain controls the organs of the endoderm, the innermost germ layer in our organism.
This was the first system to appear in the embryo, later to be covered by the mesoderm and the ectoderm over several million years of evolution.
All diseases start with a cold phase, activity of the sympathetic nervous system predominates, the shock is a constant preoccupation, nights seem long, extremities are cold and meanwhile the organ lesion extends. With the brain stem (the old-brain – controller of the endodermal organs), a tumour is growing. If and when there is a conflict resolution or lysis (CL), the process will be reversed. The HH in the brain begins to heal, as does the organ. All physicians know that healing is accompanied by oedema.
The oedema that develops around the focus ring in the brain becomes visible on X-rays or CT’s and is usually misdiagnosed as a brain tumour. So now we have firmly established that brain tumours do not exist in the traditional sense. All so-called brain tumours are oedematous HHs, the oedema remaining until healing of the tissue, after which the oedema is reabsorbed and final healing is complete.
The oedematous nodes in the brain are concentrations of glia –neuroglia– used to repair the brain and neural tissue, not only in the brain, but also in many tissues. When healing is complete, after the healing crisis, the oedematous node is pressed out, a diuretic phase eliminates excess liquid from the organism and normal health is re-established.
The warm phase is the healing stage of disease, what we usually identify as infectious disease.
During this stage, the transformations of the first stage are reversed. Cancers are broken down or encapsulated (depending on whether or not the microbes needed for caseating the tumour are available to the organism). Necroses or ulcers are filled up again. The filling of necroses or ulcers also tends to be misdiagnosed as accelerated highly malignant growths. Nothing is further from the truth, affirms Dr. Hamer, after several thousand successful cases of healing and restoration of health for terminally ill patients.
The cerebellum and the cerebral medulla control the mesoderm. Organs controlled by the cerebellum show tumours — growths, cell multiplication in the conflict active phase and, as with the endoderm, tumour destruction in the healing stage. Mesodermal organs controlled by the cerebral medulla show ulcerations and necroses in the conflict active phase and cell-multiplication during healing
All the organs and tissues of the ectoderm, controlled by the cerebral cortex, the latest of the dermal layers in ontogenesis and phylogenesis, show ulceration or functional loss during the conflict active phase.
Conflict resolution brings on tissue repair and restoration of functional loss.
Observing the diseases of the different germ layers separately, Dr. Hamer established that there was obviously a biological meaning. He realized that “diseases” were not meaningless mistakes of nature that should be fought, but meaningful events that serve to restore equilibrium.
Biological conflict-shocks exist throughout the animal kingdom but acquire special meaning for human beings. The conflicts of the endoderm, the first and most primitive of the dermic layers, come from the basic functions of survival, food and reproduction. If an animal experiences a conflict-shock, it usually has something to do with a plain fact: it can be that a morsel of food is too big to swallow, that there is an obstruction in the intestine, or that there is a life- or procreative-threatening injury.
The types of tumours that develop often increase the ability of the organism to deal with the specific crisis within a given time frame. If the crisis remains unresolved, the individual often dies as a result of the transformation brought about by the growth (increased hormonal release, increased digestive activity, increased strength of a tissue, etc.).
If the crisis is resolved, healing sets in and the tissue or organ is often left stronger than it was before.
For humans, these same conflicts are mediated by language and symbol systems – conflicts of swallowing, as in: I can’t accept this, I can’t swallow it; of inability to obtain sustenance; of uncontrollable anger; of loss of territory: a lay-off at work, dismissal; of separation from child, partner, etc. – all conflicts which have their natural analogies but, mediated by man’s symbolic meaning system, are transposed into human terms.
Biological-conflict-shock is not a complex Freudian abstraction; it is a real life conflict that is very acute, traumatic and usually isolating (not easy to discuss or mull over with others).
As well, the conflict catches us unaware, without any time to prepare ourselves (sometimes even a few seconds would avoid the formation of the HH and the unleashing of the organic program – as, for example, the expected death of a loved one).
Typically, it is life threatening or fear-inducing news that causes this kind of shock. Hence, the sadly self-fulfilling aspect of a cancer diagnosis.
The patient goes to the doctor with a set of symptoms and ends up with a prognosis of cancer. The patient instantly develops another HH in the brain as a consequence of the fear of death.
This normally starts out as a carcinoma of the lung. The second cancer (the first one leading to the diagnosis and the second one resulting from it) is interpreted as metastasis.
If the first cancer was already in remission and therefore accompanied by the typical brain node swelling misdiagnosed as a brain tumour, the patient is given a limited life expectancy and subjected to different surgical and chemical interventions.
Each one of the interventions also has the potential of producing other shocks and of adding to the burden.
In fact, brain tumours as such do not exist; brain cells cannot multiply, only the glia does (connective tissue of the brain) to generate repair. Metastases do not exist either. There are cancers and cancer-equivalent developments obeying the same rule, all as associations of HHs with their corresponding organ developments.
There is in fact no mechanism for cancer cells to travel from one part of the body to another, nor any way of explaining how one cancer in one tissue learns to mutate and produce the exact correct, histologically different development appropriate to another tissue.
As every oncologist knows, each organ, tissue, layer or cell group shows very specific types of growths, necroses or ulcerations, because they are histologically quite distinct.
The travelling cell theory would not be able to explain the precise changes needed to account for each separate incident.
Since some of the supposed “metastases” appear locally in the vicinity of an amputated breast, it was commonly thought (working hypothesis) that cancerous cells must have somehow migrated to the new location. These local foci were designated as “proximal metastases”. If the corresponding HH is found in the brain, it was supposed that the “malignant cells” had travelled via the (arterial) blood to the brain. These were called “distant metastases”.
These hypotheses became dogma in spite of the fact that there has never been a single observation of cancerous cells in the arterial blood stream.
There is another difficulty to overcome in the case of ulcers and necroses: from where are the “malignant cells” emitted, given that in cell loss there are none to be found? We were always looking for a “primary” tumour of the old brain type (another hypothesis) that could play the role of the “primary” focus.
Yet nobody noticed that essentially benign ulcers or necroses of various organs (stomach ulcers, for example) would all of a sudden become “malignant” (in the PCL phase), as if by a stroke of bad luck.
Continuing this train of hypothesis, the “metastatic” benign osteolysis would become a raging “malignant” osteosarcoma.
The Hot and Cold Phases according to Meta-Health:
In the realm of holistic health and wellness, Meta-Health has emerged as a fascinating approach that delves into the mind-body connection and sheds light on the interconnectedness of our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Central to the Meta-Health framework are the concepts of the “cold phase” and the “hot phase,” representing distinct stages of our body’s natural healing process. In this blog, we will explore the significance of these phases, their underlying principles, and how they can guide us towards achieving optimal well-being.
Understanding the Cold Phase:
The cold phase is characterised by a slowdown in the body’s energy flow and a shift towards conservation and repair. During this phase, we may experience symptoms such as fatigue, lethargy, and a general sense of withdrawal. From a Meta-Health perspective, the cold phase represents a period of introspection and self-reflection.
One of the key principles of Meta-Health is that every symptom has a purpose and is an expression of the body’s innate intelligence. In the cold phase, symptoms serve as signals that something within us needs attention. It is a time for self-care, introspection, and nurturing ourselves on a deeper level.
Embracing the Hot Phase:
Following the cold phase, the body enters the hot phase, where the energy flow intensifies and the body’s healing mechanisms kick into high gear. This phase is characterized by increased vitality, heightened energy levels, and often an amplification of symptoms as the body works to release and heal.
The hot phase is a period of transformation, where the body is actively addressing the root causes of the imbalance or dis-ease. It can be an intense and challenging time, both physically and emotionally, as old patterns and unresolved emotions rise to the surface for healing and release.
Meta-Health teaches us to embrace the hot phase and see it as an opportunity for growth and transformation. By understanding the underlying emotional and psychological factors contributing to our symptoms, we can engage in self-reflection, address unresolved issues, and make conscious changes in our lives.
The Power of Awareness:
A core principle of Meta-Health is the power of awareness. By becoming aware of our thoughts, emotions, and patterns, we can gain insights into the root causes of our imbalances. Through this awareness, we can make conscious choices that support our healing journey.
During the cold phase, it is crucial to engage in self-care practices such as meditation, journaling, and connecting with supportive individuals or practitioners who can provide guidance. These practices can help us tap into our inner wisdom and gain clarity on the deeper lessons and messages our body is offering.
As we transition into the hot phase, it is essential to continue cultivating awareness and embracing the healing process. This may involve working with various holistic modalities such as acupuncture, energy healing, psychotherapy, or other techniques that align with your individual needs and beliefs.
Meta-Health offers a unique perspective on the body’s natural healing process, illuminating the significance of the cold and hot phases. By recognizing the wisdom and purpose behind our symptoms, we can approach our health challenges with curiosity, compassion, and a commitment to self-transformation.
As we embark on our healing journey, let us embrace the cold phase as a time for self-reflection and self-care, and the hot phase as an opportunity for growth and transformation. With increased awareness and a holistic approach, we can navigate the intricate landscape of our mind, body, and emotions, and unlock the profound healing potential that resides within us.
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META-Medicine® An in-depth look at the model
© Terry Elston 2005-6